The Twisted Interpretation of Instagram!


person holding smartphone taking picture of bridge during daytime
Photo by Jeremy Levin on

One of the biggest social media apps Instagram has many different viewpoints of how this application runs and is operated. Some slight insight of Instagram is that it started as a platform allowing the user to post photos on there there profile and allowing other people they follow or follow their profile to be able to like or comment on the photo. Through the years instagram has come out with many updates and new features for their application, some were their own idea and some were passed as their own influence. A few years ago another social media application Snapchat was highly popular and still is today. This app allows you to post and share short video clips either your story or other people but after 24 hours these videos would disappear forever. So snapchats main thing was the idea of posting stories of things that are happening throughout your daily life. Well shortly after snapchat became majorly popular Instagram came out with this big new update for their application. In this update it allowed you to post Instastories to your profile. This was instagrams interoperation of snapchat stories, but it was more of stealing an idea than interpreting it in their own design since most of Instagram stories features were almost identical to snapchat stories features. But in the long run Instagram stories has taken the lead over snapchat later adding their own personal touches this new feature to make it more of their own. Besides Instagram interpreting other applications features as their own, the users of the application are also to partly blame as a culprit of being misinterpreters. A majority of the applications user base adds a sort of theme or style to their profile as far as posting these really nice photos that might have been taken in an exotic place on holiday and are often highly edited to come across a certain way. A lot of times people will see and follow these accounts and intemperate these people to be someone that is sort of winning at life. While the user behind the account is only posting certain things so that they can hide behind their profile and live a different life on the app so that people will view them in a high status sort of way. But at the same time a lot a lot of business are using this platform now so that they show a wider audience about their products and to be able to be in control of how their products are interpreted. This come in handy recently for business on instagram for when they are posting new information about a product they can also use a new feature instagram released to were when post a picture that has your product in it you can add a tag to the photo that will usually sit on top of the product and if you tap on this tag it will take you to the businesses website allowing you to buy the product. This adds a new creative feature for businesses to give them a new way of advertising by trying to interpret excitement and interest of the product within a few seconds of the user seeing the picture. 

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